Teaching at a Christian school is new territory for me. I was a public school teacher for 31 years, retired at the end of the last school year and became a STEM Makerspace Facilitator at a private school as of August 1. Adjusting to a new school takes some time, but I...
I have meditated for the past two weeks on Hebrews Chapter 11 during my Quiet Time. As I stilled myself on the porch of our rented beach house at Holden Beach, NC at the break of dawn last week, I noticed the sky changing from dark to purple to pink to orange, then...
After a routine eye exam, I asked the optician technician in the doctor’s office to adjust my glasses. I thought she could do it. After all, she was a hired employee who would have been trained. Instead of performing my request to tighten my glasses to fit better...
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