When my children were little, I remember the excitement of new experiences and talking with them as they explored activities. We picked strawberries in the Spring and pumpkins in the Fall at our local farm, visited the zoo, walked the Disney World paths, sang in the car, danced in the house and pranced through sprinklers.
One of my favorite memories of their childhood is reading Bedtime Bible stories to them while sitting on their beds. The shared experience of looking into God’s Holy Word became a cherished time. When morning arrived, we had a routine to get them ready for school and out the door. Their sweet refrain of “I love you, Mommy”, kisses on the cheek and hugs from my children filled my heart and permanently bonded us. I would send them out the door of my classroom to go to their K-5 classrooms. I loved having them at the school where I taught because it gave me one extra chance to let them see and hear loving messages from me before they launched into their days.
Reading God’s Word to them and reciting truth to them became something that I loved to do and which poured more life giving power into them than anything else we ever did. Now that they are older, I enjoy texting them a Scripture or Scriptural truth which will speak into their hearts and minister to their needs. I pray with them and over them knowing that God’s Word is our strength and will always have the answers to our questions.
Knowing the truth found in the Bible and memorizing scripture has positively impacted me and my family. The Holy Spirit will call to my mind various scriptures to remind me of truth when our world is in chaos. I will always thank God for allowing me to teach my children a truth that they memorized: 1 Timolthy 1:7 CSB “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.” The Holy Spirit places his power in us as we place our faith and trust in Jesus which helps us love and exercise wisdom in life.
I have discovered a GEMS Girls Club resource that provides bi-weekly scriptures to memorize and have started sharing them with my children. If you’d like some awesome A-Z themed scriptures to boost yourself or your daughters, visit this link to sign up for free resources. By the end of the year, we could memorize 26 scriptures with this resource which includes the scripture and a devotion to share with a daughter. You can see the list of Verses and Devotions sent so far this year here and they are amazing!
As a mother, I always want to love my children with my words and actions, to encourage them to try their best, to support them when they encounter challenges and to point them to Jesus. I received loving messages from my parents which helped shaped me and my view of parenting and motherhood. My Mother’s excellent and godly example shaped me into a Mom. Although I have made plenty of mistakes in my role as a Mom, the Holy Spirit guides me with wisdom in the Bible, in prayer, in conversations with my mother, my daughters and friends as well as through books or online parenting resources.
I have in the past few months been reading a book called “I Love You Mom!: Cherished Word Gifts From My Heart To Yours” by Blythe Daniel and her mother, Helen McIntosh. I purchased this book at the Hope Writers’ Conference in November of 2022 and absolutely love it. When I pick it up and read a new chapter, the words always encourage me as a mother and as a daughter with an attribute and a Bible verse as a focus. The authors wrote words of wisdom that both impart important pricnicples about being a mom and encourage mothers on their journey. I enjoyed having Blythe Daniel sign it for me at the Hope Writers Conference and appreciate so much that she and her mother took time to pour out their wealth of wisdom on mothering and being mothered.
“I Love You Mom!: Cherished Word Gifts From My Heart To Yours” will encourage mothers of all ages to consider the qualities that have made them loving moms and give them great joy when given to them from their children. As I contemplate the qualtiies of a loving mother that the authors explore, I feel cherished and loved. This book is a treasure that I will go to again and again and also plan to give a copy to my mother and friends who are mothers. The words will encourage all mothers as they read the heartfelt discussion of hallmarks that are timeless, necessary and learned through living a life of love.
I would highly recommend this book as a gift for Mother’s Day or any time during the year when you want to touch the heart of a mother in your life.
What are some of your favorite ways to build up your children and equip them with Biblical principles?