Heavenly Father, I thank you for hearing me. You always hear me. I love you and enjoy the time that I spend with you in Your Word and in prayer. Your Word is alive and illuminates Your truth. You are holy and righteous. I know that You sent your Son to the world so that through Him, we would have salvation. I praise your Son, Jesus, for being the Lamb of God who takes our sins away. You have covered us with mercy and grace as we trust You daily. Thank you for Your love, Your comfort, Your protection, Your guidance, Your shelter, Your provision, Your peace and Your great and precious promises.
In response to dropping off my oldest child at her high school yesterday for a morning orientation, I was excited but also a bit nervous for her. Everything is new for her and for me. She has some reservations. I have concerns, but I pray this truth over her and my rising fifth grade child that nothing shall separate them from your love. Your word says that height or depth can’t separate us from Your love so I ask You to help her as she walks up and down flights of steps at her large high school and to not only keep her safe, but to also allow her to manage her time and materials then allow her to reach her next class and be on time. Please help my children to grow in knowledge and understanding so that You can fulfill Your purposes in their lives. You are our foundation so show them how to stand on your truth. Help them to serve you with their whole heart by the choices that they make. Please help them to grow in the talents that you have given to them and to improve in any weak area. Help us, Father, as we learn a new morning and afternoon routine as the new school year approaches.
Your banner over my girls is Love. You love them and have already called them to You. I ask that You would speak to their hearts and allow them to know You better and talk with You more in prayer and through the reading of and meditation on Your Word. They are your children which You’ve entrusted to us. Help them, my husband and me to know how to go through our days with joy and peace. Your glory fills the earth so I ask that your glory fill our house so that my girls, my husband and I can do the work required of us and to have peace that passes our understanding.
You are able to do more than I could ever ask or think. I ask that you surround my daughters with the friends that they need and allow them to be known for their joy, their love for You and their respect of You and of my husband and me. Please protect them from the evil one and from influences that would hinder them. Allow them to speak truth in love and with grace and to grow in their faith. Protect them from all harm and anoint them to fulfill each day’s appointments with teachers and friends. I ask you to protect them from physical and mental harm. Your word says that nothing shall separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.
Please fill us with faith, hope and love. When we make a mistake, allow us all to recognize it and repent then reconcile us to each other and to You. Please protect their purity and continue to mold them into the beautiful young ladies whom you have called by your grace. Please protect and preserve the hearts, minds and purity of each of my children’s future spouses whom You are preparing for them.
Please protect my children, their friends and families and all of the students and staff in their schools. I ask that you bless each teacher as they are preparing now for school to begin again. Please provide for their physical and emotional needs and bless their families. Please place students together that will be the most optimal environment for them and the teachers and staff. Please help each educator to use good judgement and wisdom as they interact with each student in all of our schools. I know that you love children so I thank you for placing each educator in positions to guide and build up children. You have great plans and purposes for each child so I ask that staff and students work together to have the best school year ever. I also ask that you protest each school in this country.
I also ask that you bless all of the staff at my school and their families. A new school year has come and we need Your help. Thank you for the new start at the beginning of school and for the opportunity we now have to grow in our relationships. Please allow each teacher, teacher assistant, administrator, special area teachers and all staff to work together in unity and to encourage each other each day. I thank you for my job and for the talented and caring people with whom I work.
The present times in my country and the world concern me, Father. Your Word says that the present or the future cannot separate us from your love. Please allow the American people to use wisdom as we select the next president. Please allow kindness and understanding to flow from our hearts and hands. Your Word says that we speak out of the abundance that is in our hearts. Please fill the hearts of people throughout our land with a love for You through your Holy Spirit so that we can show love for each other and offer hope to those who currently have no hope. I ask that you not let anything else in all creation separate us from you because hurt and hate try to drive a wedge between our brothers and sisters. You have shown us your love when you sent your Son and when He laid down His life for us. Please help us to be patient, kind, to not seek our own way, to forgive and to not keep records of wrong.
Father, I am so grateful to live in this country. Thank you for allowing its leaders to work together in the past to build a country where freedom is valued and all voices are heard. I ask that you bless our president and all of those involved in protecting us. Please protect law enforcement officials and give them wisdom as they interact with others. We need you to calm us and soothe the wounds that have happened in our country. Please bless the families of those involved in protecting our nation. Please bring together the leaders and give them a heart to make laws and policies that are pleasing in Your sight. Please protect us from the evil one and please protect our brothers and sisters across the world.
Father, I ask that you comfort my friends who are grieving. I also grieve for their loss and ask that You comfort like only You can. Your ways are not our ways but I trust You and ask that You provide for every need. Please help them and continually provide Your Strength and Your Presence. Be with them as they walk through the valley of the shadow of death. To those who have no might, please give them strength. I thank You, Father, for the work you have done and will do through the words and hands of people who love and comfort.
I praise you for my husband and my family. You have done great things in our hearts and home. Please continue to bless my husband in his business. Please guard his heart with your Holy Spirit. Please anoint us to walk in love, truth and grace, being merciful and kind, tender hearted, forgiving each other. Please help me to thrive in my teaching and in my health.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38–39
Please help every word from my mouth and every meditation in my heart be acceptable in your sight, oh Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer.
In the strong and mighty name of Jesus I pray.
Picture Credit: https://vimeo.com/124956220