In my WordPress Blogging 101 course, my assignment for today was to publish a post I’d like my ideal audience member to read, and include a new-to-me element in it like a picture or video. I needed to think about the readers who would read this post. I knew that I would like for other writers to see my posts so I thought that I would join them. In addition, I want to always connect to readers so I chose a topic that affects all of us: Change.
Today, I joined a special group of writers. They are gathered by Tara Lazar, children’s book author. Her website has daily tips in November from Picture Book authors to help inspire writers to jot down 30 ideas for a picture book during the month.
Here is her website:
In today’s guest author post, David Michael Slater, shared a poignant comment about stories:
“Stories that last are stories that move us. Moving stories are about change.”
I look forward to collecting ideas for picture books this month, but for today, I’d like to just talk a bit about change.
When change occurs, it can be a big deal. It can change plans.
Five days ago on a Saturday, the Department of Transportation, decided to dig up the asphalt that leads to my neighborhood. The first time that I drove on this changed road was on Saturday afternoon and hoped, at the time, that they would resurface the road on Sunday. Instead, the road sat with huge orange metal machines just waiting on the sides of the road. They were waiting for workers to return and run them on Monday. It turns out, though, that there has been rain all week, some of it heavy and some just steady light rain. As people have driven on the road, their wheels combined with the condition of the road, have broken huge chunks out of the road and potholes have formed. You can barely drive without dipping into a hole and feeling your car bump up and down.
The change in the road’s condition has been a nuisance, especially since the rain has prevented the workers from beginning the laying of new asphalt. I have noticed, though, that a worker has outlined each manhole which juts out of the broken pavement with hot pink paint. If you hit the manhole, you will experience a huge jerk and you may even be forced into oncoming traffic which is quite dangerous. I realize that the manholes can’t be dug up because they serve a purpose, but boy, do they get your attention!
When the road gets repaved hopefully tomorrow, the drive will be smooth again. The tops of the manholes will show but my car won’t run me off the road or into oncoming traffic when I drive over them.
It has been this time of experiencing the dug up road that has made me ponder change. I do not look forward to driving on the road. If I remember as I am driving from my house to the beginning of the neighborhood, sometimes, I have gone a different way to avoid most of the major potholes and ditches. Usually, though, I forget and then it dawns on me when I see the intersection with the jagged road top. My hope is that the road will be fixed at some point, but until then, I will drive slowly, carefully, prudently and methodically. I will move forward to the things which are ahead like Paul told us to do in Philippians 3:13:

Picture Credit:
When life throws change at me, it is worth noticing that we should also slow down, proceed carefully, prudently and methodically. Like David Michael Slater shared in today’s PiBoIdMo post above, “Stories that last are stories that move us. Moving stories are about change.” I think that my story of driving on the broken road has moved me to really consider the path of change that has happened in my life. There are times when change has been a definite good thing, but during other times, I couldn’t wait for the road to smooth back over because the change was rough. My life story has changes sprinkled throughout and it has been, typically, after the changes have occurred, that I have seen God’s purpose for the changes.
It is the methodical maneuvering of the cars on the road near my neighborhood that allows them to get to their destination. In my life, the bumpy roads, the broken roads and the dead ends, have brought joy and pain. In the end, I know that I will arrive to the next stop on my journey if I continue, persevere through it and not pull off to the side, at least not for long. I am confident that there are moments in life when we need to give ourselves a break and space to deal with the jarring effects of the broken, bumpy roads and then allow ourselves the grace to forgive, to renew and move on. Just as the resurfacing of the road will take time, God will use time, circumstances, His Word and people to fill in the grooves and rebuild our path.
I was reminded today of a song that is called “Bless The Broken Road” by Selah. I will end by sharing it here in hopes that my readers can consider that change causes us to slow down, proceed carefully and hopefully not make rash decisions. As a follower of Christ, I can also say that without a doubt, He is with me and allowing the circumstances of the bumpy road. His Word says that He is working all things for my good. I am thankful and assured that with the help and strength of His Holy Spirit, I will be able to move on, not look back and set my sights on what is ahead.