As an elementary school teacher, I am asked the same question every day, "May I go to the restroom?". Of course, I allow the children to use the restroom but there can be times when they will miss out on the most important part of the lesson if they are allowed to...
Lead Me to the Cross
During the Easter season, I've always enjoyed the pretty colors of jelly beans. In honor of the love that Jesus had for us to die on the cross and rise again, I have composed a poem with rhyming stanzas that highlight colors in a jelly bean bowl. I pray that you...
The Problem in the Pantry
The stench gripped my nose. I felt like I could throw up. Normally when you open a pantry, you shouldn't feel a regurgitation reflex, but recently, it happened. In my pantry! So, when a family member opened the pantry closet door, the awful oder creeped through the...
What Is Possible Now?
Change is coming. Have you felt the hope that is springing up? It has been a year since I taught students face to face at my school. For me, I will be returning to teach them face to face soon while also teaching students at home on Zoom. This hybrid...
Go back in time to a remote mountainside in Israel where crowds by the thousands had followed Jesus. He healed legs so they could walk, made blind eyes see and gave voice to those who could not talk. Can you picture him with thousands of men, women and children...
Lovely Meals
I have been trying recipes that are new to me. Ordering the groceries online, picking them up in the safety of my car and unpacking them at home has given me the feeling that I am empowered to cook. Preparing meals that are low carb or Keto is helping me stay...
The Unexpected
God’s plans for us are not always apparent. Just as the strange closing of public places seemed to isolate us and interfere with our lives during the Coronavirus pandemic, sometimes there are situations that develop which we could have never seen coming that...