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The Perfect Gift

When you think of the perfect gift, what is one gift you've received as a result of the sacrifice of another? A friend asked me this question a few months ago. What about you? Have you ever received a gift that was perfect for you at that moment?  As we approach a...


Strong Support For My Heart

2 Chronicles 16:9a ESV "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him." After multiple heart tests, my cardiologist told me that I would need an ablation to fix my erratic...

Faith, Jesus


I praise the Lord for all of his benefits. He saves, heals, delivers and restores. He speaks peace and promises to never leave us. Jesus determines the outcome which always leads to freedom: from sin, from sickness, from death. I determine if I will come close and...

Faith, hope, Jesus, Seeking God, trusting God

Have Faith

As I have reflected on the words of Jesus in the book of Luke which I read all during December, my heart continues to be drawn to the words of Jesus when he healed people. He'd say to some of them, "Your faith has made you whole." He did the healing and the healed...

Christmas, Faith, Jesus

Countdown to Christmas

Have you sought for the perfect gifts this year? During December, I have been seeking something that I had needed. Thankfully, I found it. I have found joy daily throughout December. It came in many forms: songs, the Book of Luke in the Bible, family, friends, in a...

Faith, Heart, Seeking God

Soul Care

I have meditated for the past two weeks on Hebrews Chapter 11 during my Quiet Time. As I stilled myself on the porch of our rented beach house at Holden Beach, NC at the break of dawn last week, I noticed the sky changing from dark to purple to pink to orange, then...


What Jesus Does When We Get In A Bind

A few weeks ago, an 8 year old boy walked over to me in my classroom moving slowly, shuffling his feet.  In almost a whisper he released, “Can you help me?” “Sure,” I replied.  “What do you need?”  At that moment, I looked down to the floor and...

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